yielding support
The community learning centre (CLC) manager is there if needed to support the learner.
These results do not support a strategy of routine IABP placement before PCI in all patients with severe left ventricular dysfunction and extensive coronary disease.
In support of Western policy aimed at bolstering Fatah and at forcing Hamas to recognise Israel and renounce violence, Egypt has joined with Israel to enforce its blockade on Gaza.
西方的计划是支持法塔赫,迫使哈马斯承认以色列和宣布放弃暴力对抗行动,埃及为支持西方的这项政策 而加入到以色列对加沙的封锁行动中。
Python 3 adds a new framework—abc—which provides support for working with ABCs.
Python3添加了一个新的框架 —abc—它提供了对ABC 的支持。
The next installment in this series will cover more advanced topics, such as metaclass syntax, ABCs, decorators, integer literal support, base types, and exceptions.
All of these results support strongly the archaeologist' conjecture that the "red burnt clay" from Lingjiatan site should be the rudiment of brick.
And every poll, every survey - I particularly bring to your attention the BBC/ABC/ARD [public opinion survey] of earlier this year - shows that their support is in the single-digits.
Activity-bas ed costing(ABC)can be used to support strategy decision and tactical decision . However, it is difficult to make an application to support both by the existing method.
Have client practice splinting. Hold pillow to abdomen for support while sitting up or coughing.
Support your abdomen when you cough.
In this pose, your stomach is almost touching his bent knee; use it for support and leverage as you rock back and forth, and up and down.
We'll continue to support the efforts of humanitarian groups working to alleviate suffering in Burma.
Can he humiliate his former rival by devising difficult conditions for his belated support?
In announcing Koussa’s arrival, British Foreign Secretary William Hague pointed to the defection as a sign that Gadhafi is fast losing support.
Note that this does not preclude the server from also providing support for the traditional, relational interfaces.
Pre-re munis maturing in 2014 were recently yielding 1.7%, the same yield offered by the Treasury.
Second, if and when they quit the market, will the demand for jewellery revive enough to support the price near recent levels?
Remind yourself why you've quit and how well you've done —or have someone in your support group, family, or friends do this for you.
提醒你自己你为什么戒的烟还有你在这之中做得多么的出色 ——或者让支持你戒烟的成员,家人,或朋友替你做这一点。
First, banks have to be continually willing to forsake the 25 bps they receive on their excess reserves as well as the cash cushion they provide for higher yielding risk assets.
C++ AMP will be an open specification, and Microsoft will provide a first implementation some time this year, but full support for this technology is to be included in the next version of Visual C++.
C++AMP将会是开放规范,微软会在今年的某个时间提供第一个实现,但对这个技术的完整支持将会包含在下个版本的Visual C++。